nak armstrong, 2022

  • marketing manager

  • director of photography +

    art director for photoshoots

During my time at NA, I underwent a transformative journey in understanding aesthetics. As the sole marketer for this esteemed fine jewelry brand, I faced the daunting challenge of crafting compelling and top-tier content armed only with my iPhone. While comparable companies boasted entire teams of editors and copywriters, I had to rely on resourcefulness, utilizing office items as props and honing my skills in proportions, balance, and colors instead. This experience became my first profound lesson in design and aesthetics, as I learned to create visually stunning images that captivated and inspired despite their minimalist origins.

Realizing my love for interior design, I found inspiration in applying my design skills to something I actually cared about. My expertise in consumer behavior and visually compelling content seamlessly translated into my new job of creating beautiful spaces that emotionally resonated with clients, oftentimes at barebone budgets. This transition represented an organic fusion of my professional marketing expertise at the time with my deepest passion for interior design. Aesthetics being the thing that connected it all.